colleen&richard: Tame Rosellas at the Gloucester Tree Pemberton
colleen&richard: Nola and Richard resting
colleen&richard: Taking a break near Pemberton
colleen&richard: Nola, Colleen and Richard cooling their feet.
colleen&richard: Another rest stop with Nola perched on a log
colleen&richard: Karri reflected in the Warren River
colleen&richard: The dam at Schafer Hut where we all had a lovely swim
colleen&richard: Lindsay and Richard in front of Schafer Hut
colleen&richard: Putting on sunscreen and insect repellant
colleen&richard: Cows in a paddock on the way into Northcliffe
colleen&richard: The dam at Schafer
colleen&richard: The wreck of the Mandalay at Mandalay Beach