Jurek.P: Przed wieczornym polowaniem (before the evening hunt)
Jurek.P: PICT0063
Jurek.P: PICT0068
Jurek.P: PICT0032
Jurek.P: Golden sunset
Jurek.P: Tuż przed zachodem (just before sunset)
Jurek.P: PICT0087
Jurek.P: PICT0102
Jurek.P: PICT0107
Jurek.P: Sunset
Jurek.P: PICT0092
Jurek.P: PICT0090
Jurek.P: Sunset
Jurek.P: DSC00305
Jurek.P: DSC00311
Jurek.P: DSC00364
Jurek.P: Sunset in Warsaw
Jurek.P: DSC00452
Jurek.P: Zachód pod linijkę (sunset at the line)
Jurek.P: Malarstwo na niebie (painting in the sky)
Jurek.P: Kolory nieba, Warszawa (The colors of the sky, Warsaw)
Jurek.P: DSC00302
Jurek.P: PICT0054
Jurek.P: Sunset over the clouds
Jurek.P: Promienie słońca (sun rays)
Jurek.P: When the sky is not blue......
Jurek.P: SAM_0100
Jurek.P: Good evening
Jurek.P: Sunset in the City
Jurek.P: Sunset by the river