SeppeCampese: Weltschmerz
SeppeCampese: "OK Michael, that's it. I'm NOT gettin' off the boat."
SeppeCampese: Pitched Into - Sleeping In a Field of Daisies
SeppeCampese: Monky Business
SeppeCampese: Lights Over Innsmouth ??
SeppeCampese: Escape From The Asylum
SeppeCampese: Come On In And Be Introduced...
SeppeCampese: Headcase - Sick, Sick Puppy....
SeppeCampese: Picker
SeppeCampese: "Who goes there....?"
SeppeCampese: Pregnant Sky
SeppeCampese: Hot Sexy Legs
SeppeCampese: the Good Father's Pergola
SeppeCampese: Rendez-vous......?
SeppeCampese: China Storm
SeppeCampese: Our Old Boot Hill
SeppeCampese: Never, my boy. Ever.
SeppeCampese: 'r Ain't nothing more agonous than the pompitous of the Love for Love itself
SeppeCampese: Amor can vincit all he flippin' well likes, he may still take you down hard...
SeppeCampese: "Haaawwwww...we just wantsta watchya dance...."