Visualocity Images: d o c k e d
Visualocity Images: l e a p f r o g
Visualocity Images: t w e e t . f e e t
Visualocity Images: r o c k e d . b y . l i g h t n i n g . disposables
Visualocity Images: rainy monday
Visualocity Images: h o l d i n g
Visualocity Images: a d i r o n d a c k
Visualocity Images: a bench of friends
Visualocity Images: springs in their step
Visualocity Images: broke bench monday
Visualocity Images: u m b r e l l a s
Visualocity Images: playground days
Visualocity Images: g o b b l e
Visualocity Images: winter fall
Visualocity Images: take me out to the ball park ~ 27:365
Visualocity Images: tree pose ~40:365
Visualocity Images: The Only Man. . . ~ 14:365