bluebird87: purple dress
bluebird87: saturday morning action / cattle on the loose
bluebird87: amish girls
bluebird87: a wave
bluebird87: amish / rear window rolled up
bluebird87: fresh cider
bluebird87: mowing grass in a school yard
bluebird87: the amish
bluebird87: a mystery women
bluebird87: amish girls
bluebird87: barefeet
bluebird87: on the road
bluebird87: amish man
bluebird87: eyes wide open
bluebird87: a clothes line
bluebird87: amish kids watching barn construction
bluebird87: amish kid
bluebird87: amish kids
bluebird87: amish farm
bluebird87: horse and wagon
bluebird87: a young amish farmer
bluebird87: amish farm
bluebird87: amish kids and dog
bluebird87: amish youth / volleyball
bluebird87: a snapshot of a (amish) lifestyle
bluebird87: amish buggy pulling out