bluebird87: the happy sailor
bluebird87: 301 south
bluebird87: leica m6 /
bluebird87: fujichrome 50
bluebird87: mamiya c220 / kodak ektar 100 / epson 4490
bluebird87: fujichrome 50
bluebird87: washington d.c. / early 90's / blue saab turbo
bluebird87: the watch tower and moon
bluebird87: mamiya c220 / kodak ektar 100 / epson 4490
bluebird87: mamiya c220 / prints
bluebird87: nikon f100 / fujichrome 50 / epson v600
bluebird87: lewes delaware
bluebird87: fujichrome velvia 50
bluebird87: nikon f100 / fujichrome 50
bluebird87: mamiya c220
bluebird87: mamiya c220 / art / bottles
bluebird87: newspaper / science
bluebird87: beach / delaware
bluebird87: the beach
bluebird87: fujichrome 50 / puzzle
bluebird87: mamiya c220 / kodak ektar 100
bluebird87: mamiya c220 / kodak ektar 100
bluebird87: mamiya c220 / epson v600 / kodak ektar 100
bluebird87: fujichrome 50 / nikon f100
bluebird87: from the antique roadshow
bluebird87: a scanned print / ny
bluebird87: mamiya c220 / ipad
bluebird87: mamiya c220 / kodak ektar 100 / epson v600