Gavin P B: March 2 45013+45126
Gavin P B: Leicester 1985 - 45022 Lytham St Anns northbound coal
Gavin P B: DSC_0125 Barrow Hilll 9 Aug 2009
Gavin P B: IM25 Standing room only
Gavin P B: 45046 Manchester Victoria 16 April 1983
Gavin P B: DSC_0407a 56104+45060 Sherwood Forrester+31271+47596 Aldeburgh Festival at Rotherham Masborough
Gavin P B: DSC_0410a 56104+45060 Sherwood Forrester+31271+47596 Aldeburgh Festival on 0Z45 0928 Derby to Grosmont
Gavin P B: CNV00034 - 45060+47847 Barrow Hill
Gavin P B: IM6 45103 Griffon Sheffield
Gavin P B: 56017+45106+45128+08210+08244 Tinsley Depot
Gavin P B: LR 2 - 20xxx+45074+45123+2 more + london bubble
Gavin P B: March 3
Gavin P B: DSC_0005a 0Z56 56301+33108+45133 Bishop Aukland Weardale to Langley Mill at Rotherham Masborough
Gavin P B: 56017+45106+45128+08210+08244
Gavin P B: 45135 long shot
Gavin P B: March 31109+45137+20078+20175
Gavin P B: 60052a Glofa Twr The last deep mine in Wales Tower Colliery at Toton
Gavin P B: 45130 and 47078 Sir Daniel Gooch Bristol Temple Meads
Gavin P B: 17 - 45107 Phoenix Derby
Gavin P B: 45046 Royal Fusilier Derby 8 July 1983
Gavin P B: 45046 Royal Fusillier Derby 8 July 1983 a
Gavin P B: 13 - 45107 Leicester
Gavin P B: 2a - 45107 Leicester
Gavin P B: DSC_2268 Burton Wetmore North
Gavin P B: IM20 45046 Royal Fusillier 1V86 Derby
Gavin P B: 40 45103 Griffon Sheffield
Gavin P B: DSC08918 Olden times
Gavin P B: DSC08999 Beer trains sun and fun
Gavin P B: Rats - Leicester
Gavin P B: 12 45139 Bristol Temple Meads and 33