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Sheffield by Gavin P B
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Gavin P B
Porter Brook 2
Gavin P B
Porter Brook 1
Gavin P B
Great Yorkshire Run 2
Gavin P B
Great Yorkshire Run end
Gavin P B
Water face
Gavin P B
Burbage climbers
Gavin P B
Dark side of the moooon
Gavin P B
My Blackberry
Gavin P B
Park Square bridge(s)
Gavin P B
The centre of Park Square
Gavin P B
DSC_0076 - b&w
Gavin P B
DSC_0076 - hue correction!
Gavin P B
Urban glimpse
Gavin P B
Park Square 2
Gavin P B
Park Square tram
Gavin P B
Park Square bridge 2
Gavin P B
Advertising in the shadows
Gavin P B
Descent to Broad Street West
Gavin P B
To Meadowhall
Gavin P B
Town hall unedited
Gavin P B
Peace(ful) gardens
Gavin P B
City lofts and co
Gavin P B
One of Sheffields balls of steel
Gavin P B
Lights going out at the end of the day
Gavin P B
Gavin P B
The end of the cutting edge
Gavin P B
Winter garden
Gavin P B
City lofts
Gavin P B
NUM Reflex City Hall
Gavin P B
The Sheffield wheel
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