anyjazz65: Waiting for the night.
anyjazz65: No reason left
anyjazz65: Seemed like a good idea at the time ...
anyjazz65: Waiting. Just waiting.
anyjazz65: A past not easily forgotten
anyjazz65: The Empty Space
anyjazz65: Far Away, Far Away
anyjazz65: The House on the Hill
anyjazz65: Another day.
anyjazz65: Abandoned
anyjazz65: Unexplained
anyjazz65: Time Was.
anyjazz65: We moved away.
anyjazz65: We wanted.
anyjazz65: That empty feeling.
anyjazz65: Waiting.
anyjazz65: The doorbell doesn't work. You'll have to knock.
anyjazz65: Please Use Other Door
anyjazz65: Tomorrow never came.
anyjazz65: Forever and that's all
anyjazz65: Abandoned
anyjazz65: Nobody home
anyjazz65: It's just not the same,
anyjazz65: Mother Nature always wins
anyjazz65: No mail today.
anyjazz65: I was here first
anyjazz65: Where no secrets are kept.
anyjazz65: Sandwich Shop
anyjazz65: A long time ago
anyjazz65: Featureless - Futureless