Where's the buffalo?: Insert flute joke here
Where's the buffalo?: "A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man"
Where's the buffalo?: Ian loves hiking
Where's the buffalo?: forest for the tree
Where's the buffalo?: Well that's one way to get ahead
Where's the buffalo?: an excellent excuse for black and white
Where's the buffalo?: Buddha on a wall
Where's the buffalo?: another wish
Where's the buffalo?: 666 - coincidence?
Where's the buffalo?: Stairway to Nirvana
Where's the buffalo?: a lighter side of Buddha
Where's the buffalo?: You can't even see the line
Where's the buffalo?: More Buddha than you can handle
Where's the buffalo?: The explorer reflects
Where's the buffalo?: Yes, that is my house
Where's the buffalo?: Mmmmm leaves
Where's the buffalo?: what do you mean it's slightly out of focus?
Where's the buffalo?: Obligatory macro flower shot
Where's the buffalo?: She's totally stealing your thunder
Where's the buffalo?: Best idea ever
Where's the buffalo?: another Buddha statue
Where's the buffalo?: in focus picture of blurry statues
Where's the buffalo?: The smartest tiger in the world