Maggie Genna ♫: So you say this is christmas... and what have you done?
Maggie Genna ♫: Where would you be if you didn't have me?
Maggie Genna ♫: rumors come as they please and leave as soon as you forget about them.
Maggie Genna ♫: darling , you are the only exception
Maggie Genna ♫: I might forget you..not.
Maggie Genna ♫: and your stuttering***
Maggie Genna ♫: Scrapbooks full of me in the backround.
Maggie Genna ♫: Dream until it comes true.
Maggie Genna ♫: and the stars don't even matter !
Maggie Genna ♫: forever myself.
Maggie Genna ♫: never reget the things that once made you smile.
Maggie Genna ♫: your eyes make the stars look aren't shining .
Maggie Genna ♫: I only fly away .
Maggie Genna ♫: nothing really matters , to me .