Richard Towell:
Redpoll - 25
Richard Towell:
On the Prowl-19
Richard Towell:
Nesting Gannet Diving - 19
Richard Towell:
Little Owl - 22
Richard Towell:
Little Egret in Flight -18
Richard Towell:
Little Egret Catching Fish - 20
Richard Towell:
Leaping Red Squirrel 26
Richard Towell:
Kingfisher with Fish - 24
Richard Towell:
Great Crested Grebes Weed Dance - 24
Richard Towell:
Great Crested Grebe with Chicks - 25
Richard Towell:
Great Crested Grebe Feeding Juvenile - 21
Richard Towell:
Great Creseted Grebes Courting - 24
Richard Towell:
Female Reed Bunting - 22
Richard Towell:
Coot Running - 19
Richard Towell:
Common Biue Damselflies Mating - 22