Walktheworld1: Tabata station
Walktheworld1: High speed train
Walktheworld1: Handles part 3
Walktheworld1: Going to Yokohama
Walktheworld1: Kanda station
Walktheworld1: Spiral staircase
Walktheworld1: Kanda station sign
Walktheworld1: A chance meeting
Walktheworld1: Tokyo station
Walktheworld1: Where is everyone
Walktheworld1: Tokyo station sign
Walktheworld1: This way
Walktheworld1: Yurakuchou station sign
Walktheworld1: Waiting
Walktheworld1: Empty station old film style
Walktheworld1: The long train
Walktheworld1: Yurakuchou station
Walktheworld1: Handles part 2
Walktheworld1: Shimbashi station sign
Walktheworld1: Shinbashi station
Walktheworld1: Keeping distance
Walktheworld1: Empty station
Walktheworld1: Buildings sawed in half
Walktheworld1: Train reflections
Walktheworld1: Hamamatsuchou station sign
Walktheworld1: Walkway
Walktheworld1: Hamamatsuchou station
Walktheworld1: Emergency stop
Walktheworld1: Tamachi station
Walktheworld1: Reading the paper