weekends_with_marmots: Going to be a beautiful day
weekends_with_marmots: Moon walking
weekends_with_marmots: Nice fall day
weekends_with_marmots: Hiker watching the mist
weekends_with_marmots: Into the mist
weekends_with_marmots: The views are the other way Dani
weekends_with_marmots: There is Baker - well part of it at least
weekends_with_marmots: Hiker's on the trail
weekends_with_marmots: Where is Dani?
weekends_with_marmots: Dani on an off trail stroll
weekends_with_marmots: It's clearing
weekends_with_marmots: There is the lake...sort of
weekends_with_marmots: Get to the tarn while we can still see it!
weekends_with_marmots: Watch out for that volcanic quicksand!
weekends_with_marmots: Winter is coming
weekends_with_marmots: Lets's get out of here while we can still see the route
weekends_with_marmots: Ptarmigan Ridge
weekends_with_marmots: Along the ridge
weekends_with_marmots: Mt Baker Ski Area - freshies!
weekends_with_marmots: Dani at Nooksack Falls