weekends_with_marmots: Nearing Cascade Pass
weekends_with_marmots: Kasey almost at the Pass
weekends_with_marmots: Ryan photo bombs his sister
weekends_with_marmots: Cascade Pass
weekends_with_marmots: Dani and the kids horsing around at Cascade Pass
weekends_with_marmots: Great day to be in the mountains (isn't that EVERY day?)
weekends_with_marmots: Ascending above the pass
weekends_with_marmots: Gobble gobble gobble
weekends_with_marmots: Huckleberries!
weekends_with_marmots: Full bellies
weekends_with_marmots: Kids climbing ever up
weekends_with_marmots: Alpine Meadows
weekends_with_marmots: Dani at Sahale Arm
weekends_with_marmots: Turning Around