weekends_with_marmots: This is Dry Tortugas
weekends_with_marmots: Hospital Key Boobies
weekends_with_marmots: Guess what sound you can hear day and night?
weekends_with_marmots: South beach pilings
weekends_with_marmots: Approaching Dry Tortugas - campground in trees
weekends_with_marmots: By sea or by plane, or by seaplane
weekends_with_marmots: Sunrise from Dry Tortugas
weekends_with_marmots: Sunrise at the lighthouse
weekends_with_marmots: Sunset from Fort Jefferson
weekends_with_marmots: Fort tour group
weekends_with_marmots: Classic Florida sunset
weekends_with_marmots: Loggerhead Key
weekends_with_marmots: End of the day
weekends_with_marmots: My what big teeth you have my dear
weekends_with_marmots: Sweet Campsite
weekends_with_marmots: This is more like it
weekends_with_marmots: Snorkelling or birding?
weekends_with_marmots: Brown Pelican
weekends_with_marmots: Great Blue Heron
weekends_with_marmots: Sandwich Tern
weekends_with_marmots: Skimming for dinner
weekends_with_marmots: Black Skimmer
weekends_with_marmots: Line of Skimmers