weekends_with_marmots: Luxury cruise
weekends_with_marmots: Monica Meadows
weekends_with_marmots: Ah I almost overslept sunrise
weekends_with_marmots: Weird evening light
weekends_with_marmots: The traverse below the cliffs of Mt Monica
weekends_with_marmots: So close...yet so far
weekends_with_marmots: I disapprove of all the boulder hopping
weekends_with_marmots: Columbia Ground Squirrel
weekends_with_marmots: Marmot + larch
weekends_with_marmots: A Marmot and his lollipop
weekends_with_marmots: Grey Crowned Rosy Finch
weekends_with_marmots: Heather meadows
weekends_with_marmots: The views open up
weekends_with_marmots: Obtaining the Pass
weekends_with_marmots: Jumbo Pass tarn
weekends_with_marmots: Ahhhh! Alpine flowers
weekends_with_marmots: Glorius meadows
weekends_with_marmots: Jumbo Pass hut and tarn
weekends_with_marmots: Natural Bridge
weekends_with_marmots: Scrooge Approved
weekends_with_marmots: The last steps across the gorge and up