Ingrid Sinclair: The Flying Dutchman funicular
Ingrid Sinclair: Funicular signage and flags
Ingrid Sinclair: The Flying Dutchman funicular entrance
Ingrid Sinclair: Two Oceans Restaurant
Ingrid Sinclair: From the restaurant
Ingrid Sinclair: The Flying Dutchman's mascots
Ingrid Sinclair: Two Oceans Restaurant staff choir
Ingrid Sinclair: Two Oceans Restaurant
Ingrid Sinclair: Thebe Tourism and Tolcon Group representatives answering questions
Ingrid Sinclair: The Flying Dutchman turnstiles
Ingrid Sinclair: A view over the ocean at the Two Oceans Restaurant
Ingrid Sinclair: The Flying Dutchman
Ingrid Sinclair: Cape Point staff with Harry Hawkins (Cape Point Partnership GM)
Ingrid Sinclair: SANParks Communications Wanda Mkutshulwa
Ingrid Sinclair: Pirates welcome you to the Flying Dutchman
Ingrid Sinclair: The Flying Dutchman's driver
Ingrid Sinclair: Cape Point from the top
Ingrid Sinclair: Cape Point lighthouse
Ingrid Sinclair: Cape Point lighthouse
Ingrid Sinclair: Cape Point from the top
Ingrid Sinclair: Cape Point from the top
Ingrid Sinclair: Cape Point, entry from car park
Ingrid Sinclair: Cape Point, The Flying Dutchman departure point