kiminnyc: garden on the roof
kiminnyc: morning on the roof
kiminnyc: doggie on the roof
kiminnyc: breakfast on the roof
kiminnyc: bel gioioso fresh mozzarella
kiminnyc: blue eyed fox apples box! fun logo
kiminnyc: music of the night
kiminnyc: breakfast at the airport
kiminnyc: work continues
kiminnyc: construction in the morning
kiminnyc: magnolia bakery at LGA
kiminnyc: cibo express food hall
kiminnyc: morning at the Soleil Brassiere
kiminnyc: "Safe travels and enjoy your day, from Starbucks"
kiminnyc: tennis and baseball stadiums in the distance
kiminnyc: US Open location in the distance
kiminnyc: world's fair remnants seen
kiminnyc: clouds after the rain
kiminnyc: morning by the airport
kiminnyc: clouds after the morning rain
kiminnyc: amazing clouds after morning rain
kiminnyc: taxi line at lga
kiminnyc: morning clouds after the rain at lga
kiminnyc: men at work - lga
kiminnyc: Do Not Use!
kiminnyc: a beautiful morning at lga!
kiminnyc: lovely morning in new york
kiminnyc: delta fly facts
kiminnyc: birds taking a bath!
kiminnyc: starling taking a birdbath!