kiminnyc: a beautiful day in venice
kiminnyc: we knead you
kiminnyc: who cares what time it is?
kiminnyc: backstretch sweets
kiminnyc: venetian squirrel
kiminnyc: flowery turtle
kiminnyc: the streets of venice
kiminnyc: venice, florida
kiminnyc: blue dolphin
kiminnyc: striped dolphin
kiminnyc: the venice hotel, 1926
kiminnyc: venus and neptune, together
kiminnyc: neptune by the sea
kiminnyc: venus by the sea
kiminnyc: venice theatre dolphin detail
kiminnyc: theater dolphin
kiminnyc: venice theatre and its mural
kiminnyc: turtle back
kiminnyc: ready to serve you some pizza
kiminnyc: seaside dolphin
kiminnyc: beautiful dolphin from the sea
kiminnyc: howdy!
kiminnyc: turtle tour
kiminnyc: flowery dolphin!
kiminnyc: fancy turtle
kiminnyc: mosaic turtle
kiminnyc: patriotic turtle
kiminnyc: presidential turtle - full back
kiminnyc: presidential turtle - back
kiminnyc: martial arts turtle