Bhamgal: Say cheese!
Bhamgal: What made the chicken sit on the fence?
Bhamgal: Out of focus
Bhamgal: Happiness
Bhamgal: If everyone is thinking alike then somebody isn't thinking. ~ George S. Patton
Bhamgal: I do not seek. I find. ~ Pablo Picasso ~ Explored!!
Bhamgal: Paradise ahead!
Bhamgal: Confucious says
Bhamgal: Only a memory
Bhamgal: Quiet the mind
Bhamgal: The B word ~ Explored!
Bhamgal: And we'll never be royals... ~ Explored!
Bhamgal: Pride
Bhamgal: Don't let them tame you
Bhamgal: When snow falls...
Bhamgal: Waiting in the stillness