Lois Stacey: a hunting we will go small
Lois Stacey: Bronze Frog small
Lois Stacey: copperhead
Lois Stacey: mag turtle
Lois Stacey: ground skink
Lois Stacey: armidillos
Lois Stacey: love is in the air
Lois Stacey: Eastern Ribbon Snake (I think)
Lois Stacey: friends
Lois Stacey: spotted dolphins
Lois Stacey: leopard frogs
Lois Stacey: Can we be friends
Lois Stacey: turtle
Lois Stacey: Yeah, it's cool man.
Lois Stacey: copperhead1
Lois Stacey: watersnake closeup
Lois Stacey: gopher tortoise
Lois Stacey: not quite done
Lois Stacey: Brown water snake
Lois Stacey: lilypad wheel
Lois Stacey: Ghost Crab
Lois Stacey: Silhouette
Lois Stacey: Eastern Timber Rattlesnake
Lois Stacey: box turtle
Lois Stacey: home box turtle
Lois Stacey: wasp nest