Lunch/dinner time! Chicken curry, Indian or Thai style? Or somewhere in between? It's actually good!
Another first this time on this trip is ANC earbuds, AirPods Pro 2 to be specific, and the noise cancellation doesn't disappoint. I slept peacefully.
Sat 5/6/2023: After 13 hours, arrived at Tokyo Haneda Int'l Airport. It's already hot in the cabin.
My Apple Watch charged with Mobile Suica/PASMO and I'm ready to roll! You can take many of the trains and buses nation-wide with that.
The last time I was here, I saw the Hummer bike. But the Camaro bike is new to me. Japan is weird.
Sun 05/07/2023: Had a lazy Sunday and came to a Korean BBQ restaurant for a dinner. All you can eat!
It's "Black Sesame Seeds Cream" spread. It tastes like peanut butter and a lot better than it looks.