Thu 12/24/2015: Good morning from Georgetown, KY! The first road trip with the newly built Roberta the KMKAZIE III!
Fri 12/25/2015: Kazie's nest late 2015. Nothing different from the previous versions on the surface.
Arrived Foster's Hammock. It's been one of the first trails I ride when I come to Florida.
The same tire on the rear under the same conditions. It's obvious the driving tires had much more wear.
Beaty Towers at U of Florida looked over from US-441, about which Tom Petty's song caused an urban legend. [<a href="" target="_blank">Wiki</a>]
Rode The Rock for the first time in five years or so. Found a gentle DH course at the end. Whoever maintaining this trail loves the sport. The sign tells it loud.
It unlocks when you put your hand inside of the handle. I can do that without reaching for the fob in my hydration pack after a ride! I never thought I'd appreciate that!
And fortunately I've arrived at a sports bar before the Indiana bowl game is over. Blue Devils looking like Colts, it confuses me.
Brat Burger! It's the best of both worlds! I was also at this restaurant last year after having slept for a whole day at the hotel next door for one of the worst stomachache I've ever had.
Are you serious?! A hot shower at the trailhead! Thank you, Florida! I don't have to take a bath in a lake today!
Mon 12/28/2015: Arrived at Mount Dora. I think it's a relatively new trail. And it's the first time for me riding. It's 83F now.
And a squirrel or something bombed on me. It has never happened till now. Or just I never knew?