BK_girl483: merry Christmas Georg! :D
BK_girl483: hey it's Georg! :P
BK_girl483: uh rawr? XD
BK_girl483: i feel so bad for Georg :(
BK_girl483: more of Georg :D
BK_girl483: more of Georg :P
BK_girl483: shy little boy
BK_girl483: oh yeah Georg looks awesome lol
BK_girl483: hey look who it is :P
BK_girl483: guess who's birthday it is?
BK_girl483: "oh Georgie!!"
BK_girl483: Georg
BK_girl483: Georgie!
BK_girl483: more of Georg
BK_girl483: this is either a pic to Aubrey OR something for his fans XD
BK_girl483: Georg :P
BK_girl483: hey look
BK_girl483: Georgie!
BK_girl483: Georg :D
BK_girl483: mah Georg ;)
BK_girl483: Georgie :D
BK_girl483: Georgie :D
BK_girl483: somebody is jealous :P
BK_girl483: "have i been here for almost 2 years already!?"
BK_girl483: one big slightly unhappy and disfunctional family! :D