ochazuke: handles
ochazuke: お茶
ochazuke: to sit against the red wall
ochazuke: the red dot
ochazuke: floating red dot
ochazuke: happiness
ochazuke: chopstick holder
ochazuke: partition . clouds
ochazuke: partition . reflection
ochazuke: after the rain
ochazuke: clouds after the rain
ochazuke: scent
ochazuke: the high wire act through the clouds
ochazuke: surreal choices: stand above or go inside
ochazuke: trying to work with the tea leaves
ochazuke: In the a.m.
ochazuke: pouring
ochazuke: Wuyi Yan Cha
ochazuke: hidden connections . brushstrokes
ochazuke: organic green
ochazuke: top of the snow
ochazuke: living on the edge
ochazuke: plastered to the edge
ochazuke: 02010.02.01