ochazuke: kanji cow travels: "one guitar", by Ottmar Liebert
ochazuke: reconsidering the desire to keep the world to myself
ochazuke: moving the balancing act forward
ochazuke: momiji
ochazuke: pig/boar in a box.
ochazuke: trying to pass as bird seed.
ochazuke: perfect fit
ochazuke: three
ochazuke: Red Y Street
ochazuke: Green Y Street
ochazuke: North Beach
ochazuke: first in line
ochazuke: or trying not to pass as bird seed.
ochazuke: finishing up
ochazuke: okay, let's shuffle these around...
ochazuke: demolition derby - 5
ochazuke: ...this is not a shell trick.
ochazuke: Just finished raining...
ochazuke: connect the dots
ochazuke: complimentary tea
ochazuke: Blueprint Studios - 1
ochazuke: tsuba
ochazuke: heavenly bamboo in the rain - 1