shutterbroke: IMGP1085 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1075 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1079 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1080 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1083 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1094 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1086 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1088 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1090 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1091 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1105 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1097 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1098 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1099 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1104 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1155cr Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1110 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1112 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1122 Plume and Atwood Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1399 View of the Plume and Atwood factory in Thomaston CT
shutterbroke: IMGP1165 View from the Railroad Museum
shutterbroke: IMGP3127 Plume & Atwood demolition
shutterbroke: IMGP3109 Plume & Atwood demolition
shutterbroke: IMGP3264 Plume and Atwood demolition
shutterbroke: IMGP3225 Plume and Atwood demolition
shutterbroke: IMGP3343 View below the bridge
shutterbroke: IMGP3294 The bridge dividing the factory and the museum
shutterbroke: IMGP3301 The Railroad Museum of New England
shutterbroke: IMGP3292 The Railroad Museum of New England
shutterbroke: IMGP4879 The former Plume and Atwood site