OEHmedia: Leo Domigan as Overseer Thomas James
OEHmedia: Anthony Howes (l) as Lieutenant Percy Simpson and James Charles (r) as Sir Thomas Mitchell
OEHmedia: convict on the road
OEHmedia: Convict, Matt Rose
OEHmedia: Convicts played by (ltor) Matt Rose, Ryan Clifford, Adam Penklis
OEHmedia: David E Woodley as convict Robert Hatchman
OEHmedia: James Charles as Surveyor General Sir Thomas Mitchell
OEHmedia: Convict footprints on the Old Great North Road
OEHmedia: Convict Footprits on the Old Great North Road
OEHmedia: Convict Footprints on the Old Great North Road
OEHmedia: Convict Footprints on the Old Great North Road
OEHmedia: Convict Footprints on the Old Great North Road
OEHmedia: Convict Footprints on the Old Great North Road
OEHmedia: Convict footprints on the Old Great North Road
OEHmedia: Convict footprints on the Old Great North Road
OEHmedia: Convict footprints on the Old Great North Road
OEHmedia: Convict footprints on the Old Great North Road
OEHmedia: Convict footprints on the Old Great North Road
OEHmedia: Convict footprints on the Old Great North Road
OEHmedia: Convict footprints on the Old Great North Road
OEHmedia: Convict Footprints on the old Great North Road_210413_000
OEHmedia: Convict Footprints on the Old Great North Road_2014
OEHmedia: Convict Footprints Rehearsing_050414_0000
OEHmedia: Convict footprints_050414_0001
OEHmedia: Convict footprints_050414_0002
OEHmedia: Convict footprints on the Old Great North Rd, Dhargu NP_050414_0000
OEHmedia: Convict footprints on the Old Great North Rd, Dhargu NP_050414_0000
OEHmedia: Convict footprints on the Old Great North Rd, Dhargu NP_050414_0000
OEHmedia: Convict footprints on the Old Great North Rd, Dhargu NP_050414_0000
OEHmedia: Convict footprints on the Old Great North Rd, Dhargu NP_050414_0006