Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk .223c "Sewer Rat"
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk M90 Civilian
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk 54-40 Rhino
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk 6.5x60 LR
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk M.K. IV "Para Bellum"
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: FP-V30 (Greyhawk)
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: SH-12r "Hole Maker" (Greyhawk)
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: "The Big Boom" (Greyhawk)
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Varkura Shiv's (Greyhawk)
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Varkura Bolt launcher (Greyhawk)
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk K32 "Varkura Scalpel"
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk Pocket-knife
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk K82-A3 Transport
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk 12-Stub HOG-MOD
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk PGL-25 "HOG MOD"
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk M3 Make shift staff.
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk MPC-7 "Redeye"
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk R-12 "Side-kick"
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk M-100 "Pocket Rocket"
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk 7-45c "Minute Man"
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk Kisska A2c
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: greyhawk R-38 Survivalist
Walkableink The Scurby Dog: Greyhawk R-Carbine