duncansalchemist: a6. Double-crested cormorant (updated image), Patterson Park, Baltimore
duncansalchemist: b39. Northern shoveler (female)
duncansalchemist: b39. Northern shoveler (male), South Platte Park, Denver, CO
duncansalchemist: b41. Red-winged blackbird (female) (South Platte Park, Denver, CO)
duncansalchemist: 11/52: Oh happy pup!
duncansalchemist: Solid and liquid
duncansalchemist: 10/52: impulse control
duncansalchemist: 3/12: Duncan on the beach
duncansalchemist: 9/52: "Let me help!"
duncansalchemist: 2/12: it's cold out here!
duncansalchemist: Duncan with texture
duncansalchemist: 8/52: mud season
duncansalchemist: 7/52: Ross tries harder
duncansalchemist: Abstract (in orange)
duncansalchemist: 6/52: golden hour
duncansalchemist: 5/52: mad teeth
duncansalchemist: 1/12: winter woods
duncansalchemist: 4/52: winter hike
duncansalchemist: crocodile ice
duncansalchemist: 3/52: Russet Ross
duncansalchemist: 2/52: Dread Pirate Ross
duncansalchemist: Stained glass cookies
duncansalchemist: Gingerbread house
duncansalchemist: Holiday wishes from Spain
duncansalchemist: 1/52: The Jester wishes you a Happy New Year!
duncansalchemist: Cleo's turn
duncansalchemist: 52/52: End of the trail, end of the year
duncansalchemist: Introducing Spain
duncansalchemist: Nancys Nan