Bazzo2011: Il Calzolaio
Giuseppe Lambertino: Mattina nel maazeo
Roberto Defilippi: Venezia : right or left ??? - 09
lupus alberto: LHE- IL FORNAIO
jonnyamerica: Il fornaio che guarda nel forno
Helmut31405: Forrest No. 4477
Matías Brëa: Devastated
syssy70: Provenza - Valensole
werner_austria: 07-14_5879_PROVENCE
Orione59: Waiting
*Whitewabbit*: The One Horned Goat...
monika schaible: Models Vanessa and Danel
Klaus Kehrls: Brügge - 02101138
katmary: Escape into the night
vampire-carmen: Ich Färbe mir die Welt, so wie sie mir gefällt! - I coloring my world, just as I like it! :D _MG_8327-Edit.jpg
- FREDERIC MARS -: On the edge of the (rail)road
Scattered-pixels: London Street walk
Justin James Muir: Mama in the Corner
Onruf: at the market
Onruf: At the fish market.
na.harii : frozen in time
Mindstormphotos: street faces people portraits color
" paolo ammannati ": spiragli di ... luce