ck122: This was our first view of the Potala Palace through a rainspotted bus window. It wa a heart stopper.
ck122: It is one of those places, that when you realize where you are, you are compelled to snap another picture to make sure it is real. Then another and another.
ck122: The front promanade.
ck122: The view does not change that much but the experience is so surreal that you just keep snapping . All of the pedestrians are walking the Kora around the Potala.
ck122: The Kora
ck122: Kora- Old, young, traditional and modern... all Tibetans walk the Kora.
ck122: Protected as a World Heritage Sight. Thank goodness...
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ck122: Another view
ck122: I know, I know... But this is a different perspective. From the minute we enter we have 1 hr inside. If we take longer, it can be very bad for our guide.
ck122: The first set of steps. For those with altitude problems, it was difficult. Elevation in Lhasa is still aound 12.200 ft.
ck122: Beautiful Lhasa
ck122: Loved every step.
ck122: The "TV Tower Mountain" was once the site of a monastery that mirrored the size and structure of the Potata, but it was ditroyed during the Cultuaral Revolution.
ck122: I had no problem with the altitude and so I was able get shots of others in the group as they made their way up.
ck122: Divided into 2 sections, our group is present and accounted for. Going inside now. No pictures allowed.
ck122: When we came out, there were great views of the new, Chinese area of Lhasa.
ck122: The tourists passing through were mostly Chinese. For the few Tibetans who could afford it, it was the experience of a lifetime.
ck122: Awe struck...
ck122: I loved the gnarled mountains and the moodiness of the sky. Weather can change so quickly in Tibet.
ck122: But this young couple from Beijing also seemed very happy to be here also. It was just a different experience for them.
ck122: Some of us decided to circumambulate the base of the Potala. The prayer wheels wen almost 2/3 of the way around.
ck122: Reliefs set into the wall
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ck122: Om mane padme Hummmmmm......
ck122: A very devout baby.
ck122: Burning juniper incense... miss it
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ck122: These stupas are in an adjacent park and are obviously significant, I need to look up whose relics are entoubed here.
ck122: Two beautiful women re-painted and