parakkum: Stormy and the new boy
parakkum: He's in a new place with a brand new friend
parakkum: The new couple
parakkum: Sharing everything
parakkum: Hunh. What's this?
parakkum: Munching in the shadows
parakkum: The new boy
parakkum: He's already found his special place
parakkum: Domestic bliss?
parakkum: Pretty much.
parakkum: Beau grooms, Stormy explores
parakkum: Beau and Stormy
parakkum: All the essentials
parakkum: Litterbox cuddles
parakkum: Yin and yang
parakkum: A new place of hay, litterboxes, and space
parakkum: Beau at home
parakkum: Stormy and Beau
parakkum: Now she's really relaxed
parakkum: So nice, so calm
parakkum: Too drowsy to even care about the camera
parakkum: Happy together
parakkum: She's even more relaxed, here
parakkum: Pals in the forest
parakkum: So happy together
parakkum: Both stretched out, side by side
parakkum: Together
parakkum: The little guy sheds
parakkum: Those first signs of affection
parakkum: Explore!