parakkum: The twins
parakkum: The twins attack
parakkum: SP_A0929
parakkum: SP_A0928
parakkum: The twins prepare to mill through everyone's decks
parakkum: The Future Sight prerelease (blurry because the lighting was poor)
parakkum: The Future Sight prerelease (blurry because the lighting was poor)
parakkum: The Future Sight prerelease (blurry because the lighting was poor)
parakkum: My initial dilemma
parakkum: Body Double FTW
parakkum: Yeah, it's copying Akroma
parakkum: I think this copied another Akroma
parakkum: Akroma is disintegrated. Shucks.
parakkum: My only creature (but it's a good one)
parakkum: Akroma to the rescue!
parakkum: Facing off
parakkum: I have more lands than you do
parakkum: Lots of lands, but nothing else in play
parakkum: Drawing again
parakkum: Action!
parakkum: Draw step
parakkum: Going for a token
parakkum: Wishing away bad draws
parakkum: Yes, I'll be ready to play soon
parakkum: Shuffling up
parakkum: Shuffling up
parakkum: Board position of victory!
parakkum: Tarox and friends on the offensive
parakkum: A straight!
parakkum: Four Platinum Angels in play