C-O: Just a Bulbul
C-O: Tender Moment
C-O: Townsend's Warbler
C-O: Finally!
C-O: Deep in Thought
C-O: Al
C-O: Where's the Peanut?
C-O: Pin-tailed Whydah
C-O: Breakfast
C-O: Let Go My Leg!!!
C-O: Pin-tailed Whydah, Adult Male
C-O: House Finch, Male
C-O: Vermilion Flycatcher, male
C-O: White-crowned Sparrow
C-O: 22......count them!
C-O: "Hummingbird Moth"
C-O: Just a Phoebe
C-O: Sunshine on a Rainy Day
C-O: Olympic Hummingbird
C-O: Northern Cardinal in SoCal
C-O: Peanut Fix
C-O: (Ms.) Allen's Hummingbird
C-O: Western Bluebird
C-O: It's National Squirrel Appreciation Day!
C-O: Red-whiskered Bulbul
C-O: One of our Scrubby Friends
C-O: Our Favorite Hummer
C-O: Mr. Beautiful - Mandarin Duck
C-O: Summer Tanager
C-O: Spotted Sandpiper