C-O: Monarch Butterfly - Now Endangered
C-O: Red-tailed Hawk
C-O: A Hug and a Kiss
C-O: Fearless
C-O: 22......count them!
C-O: House Finch (M)
C-O: California Scrub-jay
C-O: Parrot Wings
C-O: Northern Cardinal in SoCal
C-O: Peanut Fix
C-O: Western Bluebird
C-O: Our Favorite Hummer
C-O: Gulf Fritillary Butterfly
C-O: Red-tailed Hawk
C-O: Black Phoebe
C-O: Black-chinned Hummingbird
C-O: Looking at you looking at me.....
C-O: In the Garden
C-O: Parrots All In A Row
C-O: "Taker"
C-O: Bewick's Wren
C-O: Mr. Flicker
C-O: Dragonfly
C-O: Remembering Springtime.....
C-O: Honey, where are you???
C-O: In the Garden
C-O: You again?
C-O: Just Another Hummer
C-O: Blue
C-O: Me & My Shadow