C-O: Praying Mantis
C-O: "Hummingbird Moth"
C-O: Not For the Squeamish
C-O: Yellow
C-O: Dragonfly
C-O: Green
C-O: In the Garden
C-O: Blue
C-O: Beauty and the Beast
C-O: Hover on Pink
C-O: Wideangle55's Little Buddy
C-O: Red-shouldered Bug?
C-O: What is this???
C-O: Green on Green - Katydid
C-O: Keeled Treehopper
C-O: Resting Dragonfly
C-O: Red-Shouldered Bug, Nymph
C-O: Angry Serpent, or as some say, "Angry Dragon"
C-O: Issid Planthopper Nymph
C-O: Upright-winged (Plant) Hopper - Family Issidae
C-O: In the Forest - Katydid
C-O: Mantis Nymph Watching........
C-O: This..........
C-O: Large Milkweed Bug Preening
C-O: "New" Issid Planthopper
C-O: Milkweek Bug - Adult
C-O: Leaf Beetle Munching
C-O: Inchworm
C-O: Hover on Yellow
C-O: Tiny Katydid Nymph