C-O: It's Squirrel Appreciation Day!
C-O: It's National Squirrel Appreciation Day!
C-O: A Tasty Treat
C-O: It's Squirrel Appreciation Day!
C-O: A Warm Winter Coat
C-O: It's National Squirrel Appreciation Day!
C-O: It's National Squirrel Appreciation Day!
C-O: My fascination with squirrels continues.........
C-O: Winter Mittens
C-O: Peanut Fix
C-O: Who doesn't like a cute squirrel???
C-O: Squirrel!
C-O: Heat Dumper
C-O: Cute Little Squirrel
C-O: Did someone say peanuts?
C-O: Hiding in Plain Sight
C-O: OK, smile on three. One.....two.....three.....
C-O: Squirrels.....Always Entertaining
C-O: Cute Little Squirrel Looking at Me
C-O: Arturo Taking a Break on a Hot Day
C-O: Baby Squirrel
C-O: Caught in a yawn, or sticking his tongue out at me? You decide.
C-O: Just Me & My Orange
C-O: "Brrr.....It's Cold!"
C-O: Just Another Squirrel
C-O: Siblings
C-O: Pushy "I'll climb up your leg to find the peanuts" Squirrel
C-O: Nice "thank you for the peanut" Squirrel
C-O: Fox Squirrel Looking at Me
C-O: Stop Looking at Me!