Trishikh: Hatchiko's - The Handsome Pug Dog Puppy
Trishikh: Hatchiko's - Playing Innocent
Trishikh: Hatchiko's - Chair
Trishikh: Hatchiko - Chew Time
Trishikh: Trish and Hatchiko
Trishikh: Classic Man and Puppy
Trishikh: Bull By Nature
Trishikh: Hatchiko - The ruffian
Trishikh: Woman's Best Friend
Trishikh: Red Rakham
Trishikh: 3 Idea Tots
Trishikh: Acrobats at Large
Trishikh: Beast and The Beauty
Trishikh: Chew Time
Trishikh: Gorilla by Nose
Trishikh: Guys
Trishikh: Hey Goodlookin
Trishikh: Natu and Boris
Trishikh: Pug By Heart
Trishikh: The Dreamers
Trishikh: The Hermit - The Nut - The Joker
Trishikh: The Man and The Mutt
Trishikh: The Mischief Maker
Trishikh: The Mutt and The Mute
Trishikh: The Tudor and The Toter
Trishikh: Maa and Bodo
Trishikh: Maa on Phone
Trishikh: Give me your Paw
Trishikh: Slumber King
Trishikh: Strength