taroh: good-bye old fir tree
taroh: yokohama line under sakura
taroh: yokohama line under sakura
taroh: _DSC6687
taroh: _DSC6690
taroh: children, sakura
taroh: elderiy, sakura
taroh: children of new semester
taroh: night elementary school, sakura
taroh: donot feed for cats
taroh: no parking
taroh: camellia, yokohama line
taroh: split open
taroh: children of new semester
taroh: ridging for new season
taroh: Prunus lannesiana Wils. cv. Sekiyama
taroh: _DSC6858
taroh: sakura, toyoko line.
taroh: new host
taroh: brothers
taroh: bar toward evening
taroh: Cornus florida (ハナミズキ dogwood)
taroh: direct paint
taroh: _DSC7021
taroh: wanderer
taroh: _DSC7047
taroh: _DSC7055
taroh: sakura storm
taroh: _DSC7067
taroh: _DSC7074