unclefuzzy_ss: The Ride
unclefuzzy_ss: Chipper at the start.
unclefuzzy_ss: fiddling at the start.
unclefuzzy_ss: The roll out.
unclefuzzy_ss: scenery.
unclefuzzy_ss: mile 20 or so.
unclefuzzy_ss: riders up!
unclefuzzy_ss: second of many climbs.
unclefuzzy_ss: Rock. On!
unclefuzzy_ss: Mile 50ish. Not so rock on.
unclefuzzy_ss: gravel. meet tire.
unclefuzzy_ss: cool garage/man cave.
unclefuzzy_ss: Mile 50ish again.
unclefuzzy_ss: B road climb.
unclefuzzy_ss: still chipper in the middle.
unclefuzzy_ss: Mile 70. Rockin' on.
unclefuzzy_ss: monster trucks!
unclefuzzy_ss: P4180018