feathersong1: Melonworm Moth
feathersong1: Eubaphe Unicolor Moth
feathersong1: Forest Tent Caterpillar
feathersong1: Henry's Marsh Moth Larva
feathersong1: Henry's Marsh Moth Larva
feathersong1: Eastern Tailed-Blue Gossamer-winged Butterfly
feathersong1: Walnut Sphinx Moth 1 of 4
feathersong1: Walnut Sphinx Moth 2 of 4
feathersong1: Walnut Sphinx Moth 3 of 4
feathersong1: Varigated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia)
feathersong1: Salt Marsh Caterpillar (Estigmene acrea), Tiger Moth
feathersong1: Tersa Sphinx Moth Top View (Xylophanes tersa)
feathersong1: Tersa Sphinx Moth Profile (Xylophanes tersa)
feathersong1: Tersa Sphinx Moth Resting (Xylophanes tersa)
feathersong1: Dainty Sulphur Butterfly aka Dwarf Yellow, Nathalis-iole
feathersong1: Fiery Skipper (Hylephila phyleus) in Brazilian Verbena
feathersong1: Polyphemus Moth 2 of 2
feathersong1: Polyphemus Moth 1 of 2
feathersong1: American Lady / Vanessa virginiensis in Brazilian Vervain
feathersong1: Fiery Skipper / Hylephila phyleus in Brazilian Vervain
feathersong1: Common Checkered Skipper / Pyrgus communis in Brazilian Vervain
feathersong1: Fiery Skipper / Hylephila phyleus
feathersong1: Black Swallowtail / Papilio polyxenes - Male
feathersong1: Checkered White on Brazilian Verbena in a Butterfly Garden
feathersong1: Checkered White Butterfly (Pontia protodice)-male, in Brazilian Vervain
feathersong1: Horace's Duskywing Skipper / Erynnis horatius Female
feathersong1: American Lady Butterfly / Vanessa virginiensis
feathersong1: Horace's Duskywing Skipper / Erynnis horatius Male
feathersong1: Common Buckeye / Junonia coenia
feathersong1: American Lady Butterfly in the Pentas