Canis Major:
King Alfred Statue: Winchester
Canis Major:
Winchester Cathedral Close
Canis Major:
Art Reflection
Canis Major:
Winchester Cathedral front
Canis Major:
Winchester Cathedral B&W
Canis Major:
Winchester Cathedral detail
Canis Major:
Songs of Praise Cometh?
Canis Major:
Winchester Cathedral Revisted
Canis Major:
Castle Hall
Canis Major:
Winchester Law Courts
Canis Major:
Council Offices
Canis Major:
Winchester High Street
Canis Major:
Winchester Cross
Canis Major:
Winchester Guildhall
Canis Major:
Alfred from the Park
Canis Major:
Canis Major:
Sun Dial/Fountain
Canis Major:
Canis Major:
Canis Major:
Gender Reflection
Canis Major:
Close Circuit Toilet Vision
Canis Major:
CCTV in Winchester
Canis Major:
Spy it with Flowers