nstovall8: pallino toss
nstovall8: Another point?
nstovall8: Team Acclamazioni!
nstovall8: "it's this far away"
nstovall8: Tyler, Sofia & baby Alexander
nstovall8: . . . and scores!
nstovall8: Merlin tosses . . .
nstovall8: Strategy session
nstovall8: Team Captain rolls one out
nstovall8: throwing out the pallino
nstovall8: Tyler looks for a point
nstovall8: Our 4-point frame begins!
nstovall8: The game goes on . . . and on . . .
nstovall8: Which one IS closer?
nstovall8: Nice Roll!
nstovall8: Bocce' Bums roll for a point
nstovall8: Reid rolls it out for Acclamazioni!
nstovall8: IMG_1733
nstovall8: IMG_1734