jacksnipe1990: IMG_1887 Brown-headed Nuthatch Croatan NF
jacksnipe1990: unidentified Odonate
jacksnipe1990: IMG_1909 Croatan NF Longleaf Pine
jacksnipe1990: IMG_1912 Red-cockaded Woodpecker - Croatan NF
jacksnipe1990: IMG_1940 BTGR Beaufort, NC
jacksnipe1990: IMG_1944 Beaufort Inn
jacksnipe1990: IMG_1953 Great-crested Flycacther Beaufort NC
jacksnipe1990: IMG_1958 Beaufort cemetary
jacksnipe1990: IMG_1972 Cedar Island ferry terminal RUTU and SESA
jacksnipe1990: IMG_1981 Fish Crow
jacksnipe1990: IMG_1999 Ocracoke Is
jacksnipe1990: IMG_2002 Outer Banks Ocracoke 5-17-10
jacksnipe1990: IMG_2018 Hatteras
jacksnipe1990: IMG_2031 SEPL and SESA 5-18-10
jacksnipe1990: IMG_2042 BTGR 5-18-10
jacksnipe1990: IMG_2046 White Ibis 5-18-10
jacksnipe1990: IMG_2050 Boat-tailed Grackle
jacksnipe1990: IMG_2055 Dunlin Pea Is NWR
jacksnipe1990: IMG_2062 Sanderling [alt plum] and SEPL Pae Is NWR
jacksnipe1990: IMG_2069 Frisco Campground
jacksnipe1990: North Carolina trip 2010 455 Hatteras sunrise 5-21-10
jacksnipe1990: North Carolina trip 2010 431 Amer Herring Gull Hatteras
jacksnipe1990: North Carolina trip 2010 440 Hatteras Village
jacksnipe1990: North Carolina trip 2010 447 Hatteras sunset 5-20-10
jacksnipe1990: North Carolina trip 2010 646 Eastern Towhee Pea Is NWR
jacksnipe1990: North Carolina trip 2010 649 Gray Catbird Pea Is NWR
jacksnipe1990: North Carolina trip 2010 655 Gray Catbird Pea Is NWR
jacksnipe1990: North Carolina trip 2010 657 Turtle Pea Is NWR
jacksnipe1990: North Carolina trip 2010 659
jacksnipe1990: North Carolina trip 2010 660 AMBD