moe-jito14: A note from my mom...
moe-jito14: Riley in "Life in a Day"
moe-jito14: Riley as a pup!
moe-jito14: Riley's 2nd birthday
moe-jito14: Riley turns 2 :]
moe-jito14: Despicable Me!
moe-jito14: Stranger Than Fiction
moe-jito14: Riley&Santa
moe-jito14: Now that finals are over...
moe-jito14: Chem 1A
moe-jito14: Jay Sean @ Movin' 99.7's Triple Ho Show!
moe-jito14: Enrique Iglesias @ Movin' 99.7's Triple Ho Show!
moe-jito14: Nelly @ Movin' 99.7's Triple Ho Show!
moe-jito14: Far East Movement @ Movin' 99.7's Triple Ho Show!
moe-jito14: Taio Cruz @ Movin' 99.7's Triple Ho Show!
moe-jito14: So close!
moe-jito14: Our FREE FLOOR tickets!
moe-jito14: I love filipino parties cause
moe-jito14: Hot cocoa @ work! Mmm..
moe-jito14: AWESOME DISCOVERY. Found a comic book store near Mike's apt!
moe-jito14: Fat Tire chapstick really??
moe-jito14: Long line lots of people and jazz music. Yep I must be at Cheeseboard!
moe-jito14: Paris '07. I miss you.
moe-jito14: 'Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads.'
moe-jito14: My first car!
moe-jito14: Baking snickerdoodles for work tomorrow :)
moe-jito14: Domos everywhere!
moe-jito14: Editing!