rjrosa7: shadow self (20140924)
rjrosa7: contemplation (20140925)
rjrosa7: rabbit resurrection emerging from his head (20140925)
rjrosa7: "I've gotten rid of my g(u)ilt and my lily white"--Melanie Safka (201409
rjrosa7: seeing something never seen before by the eyes of man (head of plastic saint) (20140818)
rjrosa7: palms together (ser. 2) (20140823)
rjrosa7: this is that and that is this (20140912)
rjrosa7: speaking in tongues telepathically (20140826)
rjrosa7: uncovering the buddha within (20140902)
rjrosa7: recollection (20140902)
rjrosa7: making up (20140905)
rjrosa7: the blue lady (series inspired by the work of Albert Caba) (20140818)
rjrosa7: splice splitting slice after split slices split (20140906)
rjrosa7: ghoul (halloween series-2014) (20140909)
rjrosa7: afterthought (20140825)
rjrosa7: uncovering the buddha within (20140902)
rjrosa7: blue (20140823)
rjrosa7: transition (20140903)
rjrosa7: IMG_1713.JPG
rjrosa7: uncovering the buddha within (20140902)
rjrosa7: going to places that can't be gotten to (version 2) (Melanie Safka series) (20141101)