Erik Norder: lines3
Erik Norder: lines2
Erik Norder: green curves-1
Erik Norder: white curves-1
Erik Norder: the fly 1
Erik Norder: flower2
Erik Norder: flower3
Erik Norder: flower4
Erik Norder: flower5
Erik Norder: Rose1-light tint
Erik Norder: Rose1-b&w
Erik Norder: White rose and bug1
Erik Norder: Mother and baby Aphids on rose bud.
Erik Norder: lines4
Erik Norder: Percy the Praying Mantis
Erik Norder: Another macro-ed bug
Erik Norder: Extension tube test-05316 - "flying elephant"
Erik Norder: Macro2949
Erik Norder: Bubblebee2-06908
Erik Norder: Up close and personal!
Erik Norder: Incomplete
Erik Norder: Spider waiting.
Erik Norder: Autumn is here-00392
Erik Norder: Autumn is here-00400
Erik Norder: Closeup of the inside of a blowball
Erik Norder: Closeup of the inside of a blowball
Erik Norder: Closeup of the inside of a blowball
Erik Norder: Closeup of the inside of a blowball
Erik Norder: Seedhead of Tragopogon dubius
Erik Norder: Seedhead of Tragopogon dubius