smpowh: Heavens above!
smpowh: Stonehenge runway
smpowh: Avebury
smpowh: Wiltshire bluff
smpowh: _..and then it dawned on me...
smpowh: Still glides the Stream
smpowh: Saltmarsh
smpowh: I love to go a-wandering ...
smpowh: Threads of silver
smpowh: Connemara colours
smpowh: The coming rain
smpowh: Chalk dust ....
smpowh: Poles apart
smpowh: Water under the bridge
smpowh: Lighting the way
smpowh: Going with the flow
smpowh: In the flow
smpowh: Reflecting _
smpowh: Renewal
smpowh: Watercolour
smpowh: Moved by the Wind
smpowh: There may be trouble ahead _
smpowh: As the day was dawning ...
smpowh: Low sun, high hopes
smpowh: Straight up!
smpowh: Standing Room Only!
smpowh: One Fine Day - in Wales!!
smpowh: Early morning stroll?